What’s a Win List and Why You Should Make One Today

Most actors I know are really tough on themselves and while striving to grow and improve is really important in this field, the way you think about yourself is also important.  Whether you realize it or not- your thoughts about yourself follow you EVERYWHERE as a part of your energy and a part of YOU– and if you are thinking ugly things about yourself– well, you might as well be that Peanuts Character, Pig Pen, with the cloud of dirt circling your every move- making it pretty hard for anyone to see the real you.

During those times when you aren’t booking like a Boss, you might struggle with feeling unsuccessful.  That is when your WIN LIST needs a min in the spotlight.  WIN LISTS are helpful when you need to appreciate ALL the steps you are taking to build a great career- not just the bookings.

A WIN LIST is a short list of things you accomplished (in a day, in a week or in a month) that you should take a step back and give yourself a little credit for.  Some examples of what could go on your win list could be:
1) You learned a new side/monologue
2) You updated your website
3) You finished a draft of your web series episode
4) You applied to a better survival job
5) You saved money to go towards your new headshots
or even You got an audition appointment.

This is a great task for a Friday afternoon when you need to take stock of what you did to propel yourself forward, feel good about yourself, and stay motivated to keep building your dream career.

Monday you’ll grind.  But today is Friday– so celebrate. (Champagne optional)

Colleen Kahl

Gratitude as A Business Technique

As Thanksgiving approaches we remember the importance of gratitude in our everyday life– but often forget to weave it into our career!  Here are 5 ways to bring gratitude into your acting business this month.
1) After an educational event, write a follow-up thank you card to the educator/industry guests.  Get special thank you postcards with your headshot on them (and Reproductions can help you do that!).

2) Who have you worked with in the past that made a lasting impact on you?  Maybe someone gave you advice that changed the way you saw yourself, your process or your psychology in this field?  Use gratitude as a reason to reconnect!

3) En route to an audition, pull your mental state into one of gratitude and joy.  Gratitude for the appointment.  For your health so you can make it to the appointment.  Gratitude for the materials created to land you the appointment. Let that energy fill you up and give you confidence.  Many things aligned so you could get in that room— you deserve to be there!

Show Gratutide and Kindness

4) Gratitude for Fellow Creators!  In order for more and more actors to receive jobs– more and more work must be created.  We are lucky to be living in a time where internet TV is bringing forth many new opportunities for actors.  Know an up and coming creator?  Support their project!  Donate to their Go Fund Me, sign up for their email blast, or volunteer to help on set/in the theatre/with the launch.  Your kindness may lead to many new opportunities.

5) Show kindness and gratitude for ALL members of the project.  I heard a story a few months ago about an actor who had a small role on set but was so beloved by cast and crew due to his perfect graciousness that they KEPT WRITING HIM BACK IN.  There are so many ways we are connected to others in this industry, and a wonderful attitude noticed by any member of the team could have beautiful ripples in your career.  Everyone matters.

Hope you enjoyed this small list.

In gratitude for YOU,
Colleen Kahl