What are some ways that actors can put their money to better use?

By Brian O’Neil I see actors spending an awful lot of money going to the movies and purchasing plays. Let’s not forget an old-fashioned institute known as the library where almost all of the above is available for free. Also, if an actor is a SAG member, he or she should know that the SAG Film […]

Choose your songs wisely.

A.C.: What three songs do you never ever want to hear again at an audition? DALE BROWN: I don’t think I really have a running list of “ugh” songs. Nonetheless, there are two things I believe helpful to keep in mind: In this age of needing pop/rock style songs in your book, be careful to […]

You’ve got to please yourself.

Roz Coleman, actress, acting coach, and podcast host recently took the time to answer the question, “What’s the best advice someone has offered you?” Here is her response: It was an observation that came from August Wilson…  It was when we were on Broadway in SEVEN GUITARS and it was more of an observation that I […]

So, you want to do voice overs?

AC: If people tell an actor that he should really consider doing voice overs — and he’s never done voice overs — how does he go about getting started? Paul Liberti: Bottom line: Training! Good training. Never stop training. Find a great coach and learn all you can. Then experience OTHER teachers and professionals in the […]

Top 10 Tips for Professional Actors in 2011, Pt. 2

Here are the remaining new year resolution tips from Tony Nation: Update or create your website If you don’t have a website to promote yourself, you MUST get one today. Even if it’s just a simple website with your picture, resume and information about you, it’s important that you are searchable via the internet. And […]

Top 10 Tips for Professional Actors in 2011, Pt. 1

By Tony Nation 2011 is almost here and there’s no better time than right now before the turn of the new year to get yourself ready for what looks to be a very busy audition season! Word from the networks is that there are going to be more pilots than ever being produced and cast—plus […]

What are some things that actors can do
to put their time and efforts to better use?

By Brian O’Neil Performers acting in New York City think in a very linear way.  They subscribe to online casting services (which is fine), but aren’t learning to create quality audition opportunities for themselves, which is an important step towards your goal to perform in NYC. One very important thing that actors need to do […]