Talent Agent

Talent Agent FAQ

Every actor at some point in their career wants to work with a talent agent. Why? First and foremost, to get better jobs. Agents have access to the Breakdowns put out by casting directors for their current projects. Once they receive the breakdown from casting, the agent starts submitting talent online from their roster that’s […]

Headshot of Tony Nation

Retouching Headshots: Is It Really Necessary?

With Fall just around the corner, many actors are getting new headshots for the upcoming busy audition season. One of the common questions that many actors have is: “Is it really necessary to retouch my headshots?” We spoke with the specialists at Reproductions- Maurice and Fyzal to get their take on this question and more. […]

Do Your Homework Before an Audition to Improve Call Back Chances

Do Your Homework Before an Audition to Improve Your Chances of Being Called Back by Martin Bentsen

Who, what, where, when, why, and how? Before an audition, each of these is extremely important to figure out, not just for the character you’re playing, but also for the production itself. When working with actors, I’ve found that there are typically three types of people: 1. There’s the actor that just does a shotgun approach […]

Making It Happen: Build Your Inspiration

Making It Happen: Build Your Inspiration

If you had a magic wand, and you could create the exact life and inspiration you want, what would be in it? Who would be in it? Where would it be? Once you have that answer in your head, work backwards from that goal and write out the staircase to get there. What actions “lead-up” […]

A Note on Actor Research: Be Mindful

A Note on Actor Research: Be Mindful

Dear Actors, A little note on Actor Research. Be mindful of the questions you ask your industry contacts.  If you can GOOGLE the answer, or find it in a short internet search, I don’t suggest emailing your contacts for the answer instead just so your research is more convenient. Agents, Casting Directors and other industry […]

The Importance of Self-Talk | Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis

The Importance of Self-Talk

Let’s talk about your self-talk. This has come up a bunch of times recently. Isn’t it amazing that things you would never DARE to say to another person you are saying to yourself? There is a DIFFERENCE between helping yourself learn/grow/improve and tearing yourself apart.  Let’s take an audition for example.  Say you get in […]

Pre-Audition Mantras

Pre-Audition Mantras

Have you been struggling with your positive thoughts in your pre-audition time?  Especially thinking positively about your auditions?  We’ve all gotten stuck in a bad thinking pattern at one time or another. It is SO IMPORTANT to stay focused and aware of your thoughts.  In our industry, your energy in the room is an enormously important […]

Handling Disappointment as an Actor

Handling Disappointment As An Actor

Let’s talk about DISAPPOINTMENT. I know…it hurts our hearts.  I don’t know of a single actor that hasn’t felt it at one point or another. Especially when you KNOW you got close to the desired result, and at the last moment, things change and you are dealt with the task of handling your emotions. Handling […]

Self-Inspiration: Love Your Product, Love Yourself

Self-Inspiration: Love Your Product, Love Yourself

Ever go to an audition and you look around the waiting room and think “wow I feel like I am sitting in a room of a whole bunch of people just like me — how on earth am I going to get this role? What can I do to be different?” It’s time you started […]

5 Key Components of Actor Research

Let’s talk about ACTOR RESEARCH. It is easy for us to spend hours talking to actors about individualized plans of attack– every single person is different and what works for one person in this business isn’t the magic juice for everyone– BUT there are a few KEY research projects that need to be a part […]