Entries by Colleen Finnegan Kahl

Room For You

In a competitive industry, many actors worry about whether there is ROOM for them. If there are other actors that look like them and can play the same characters just as well– then how can they succeed? Well let me say with 100% confidence that if you are passionate about this work being the most […]

Tips to Move Your Career Forward Without An Agent

So many actors falsely believe that you NEED an agent to launch your career. While having representation is certainly helpful and definitely an ultimate career goal, you don’t need to feel stuck until you find your perfect match. Actors have been finding success prior to representation for YEARS and there are actions you can be […]

The Art of the Follow-Up

So you met someone in this industry? Awesome! In such a relationship-based business, we should constantly be meeting new contacts to build our rolodex of people who know and appreciate our work. It is part of the job as an actor to be marketing yourself and making new connections. So how do you stay in […]

7 Virtual Accounts Every Actor Should Have

With an abundance of resources marketing for your attention, it can be hard to decide which online accounts you REALLY need as an actor. So, in an effort to help, here is a list of sites that we feel actors should prioritize! 7 Virtual Accounts Every Actor Should Have ActorsAccess.com Actors Access is a no-brainer. […]

The 10 Commandments of Content Creation

It’s no secret. The industry time and time again suggests to actors that creating your own content is a great way to get ahead while you are waiting for your big break. So have you started your own project yet? Before you do, read these 10 important things to keep in mind as you begin […]

How to Be A Generous Networker

Anyone you meet could end up being a vital link to a completely different level of success. You never know the people and contacts who will change your life or your career for the better. Looking at new people through this lens is exciting– but a word of caution. Relationships built on need, aren’t satisfying […]