2 Week ON-CAMERA Feature Film & TV Technique with Allison Estrin, Associate Casting Director, Barden/Schnee Casting
Thursday, August 11, 2011, 7pm ET / 4pm PT
This event is in the past.

NOW CASTING MULTIPLE FEATURE FILMS! Congrats to Allison and the entire Barden/Schnee office, for their Oscar Nominated film this past year, Winter's Bone! This is your chance to work with one of the top casting associates from one of the most prominent bi-coastal casting offices around!
This 2 week Intensive begins with the 1st session focusing on prepared day-player roles for Film/ TV and week two you will turn to prepared film sides working on leading roles for Film/TV. This is a great opportunity to learn the differences between auditioning for roles for TV and film! All aspects of working on-camera in both mediums will be covered fully by Allison including audition tips and techniques, the best headshots for on-camera work and what on your resume attracts CD's to call you in!
Current projects include:
BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY starring Michelle Monaghan, Sam Rockwell and Jennifer Garner
SAVING SEYMOUR starring Jerry Stiller
LONG TIME GONE starring Meg Ryan
THE TIGER RISING directed by Ray Giarratana
THE BROTHER'S GRIMM: SNOW WHITE starring Lily Collins, Sean Bean and Julia Roberts
Recent feature film projects include: the upcoming Conan the Barbarian, The Help and The Three Stooges.
Past projects include: What's Wrong with Virginia- written/directed by Lance Black starring Jennifer Connolly and Ed Harris, Winters Bone- written/directed by Deb Granick (Oscar Nominated for BEST PICTURE and winner of the Sundance Grand Jury Prize), Every Day starring Liev Schreiber and Helen Hunt, Pineapple Express, World Trade Center directed by Oliver Stone and Proof.
This class is a MUST for those wanting to perfect their on-camera audition technique!
Allison Estrin
Allison casts the Showtime series BILLIONS, the Comedy Central series "The Other Two", and the limited Showtime series "The Loudest Voice" starring Russell Crowe. Also currently casting numerous independent films.
Thursday, August 11, 2011 | 7:00 pm |
Thursday, August 18, 2011 | 7:00 pm |
The following disclaimer is provided specifically at the request of and in accordance with SAG/AFTRA: Seminars or classes are for educational purposes only and will not secure or provide opportunity for employment in the field or representation by an agent or casting director.