Tips to Getting the Most of Your New York Summer Acting School
So you’ve decided to enroll in a New York summer acting school program and want to get the most out of your experience… Excellent! Actors should constantly train to keep their craft sharp at all times. Kudos to you for taking the summer to deepen your skillset. Whether it is with us at Actors Connection or another NYC Acting School, we applaud your decision.
Networking at New York Summer Acting School and Drama Camps
You are not only choosing to attend a summer drama camp to learn, but to network as well. This will help grow your career. Create attractive business cards and keep them with you at all times. Hand them to everyone you meet and invite them to connect with you via email or social media. Building an acting career is all about making those important connections, and an acting camp is a great place to start.
Remember to Have Fun and Play
You’re there to learn, but if you are passionate about acting you should be enjoying yourself too. Attending a theater camp during the summer is a great way to bring back that sense of play you had as a child. Break out of your shell and contribute to the group. Be in the moment and enjoy the entire process.
Let the Actors Connection be part of your Journey
We at the Actors Connection offer an abundance of New York Summer Acting School Classes and Seminars, as well as Free Consultations for actors of all types of actors at various points in their career. In addition to Online Zoom Acting Classes, we also have locations in New York, LA, and Atlanta.
Some of the best memories of your life can be made during the summer, enjoy the experience. Image by @sotti