Zoom: Private Agent Readiness Consultations with Nicole Wichinsky
Monday, April 21, 2025, 5pm ET / 2pm PT

Think you might be ready for an agent? Or maybe you have been trying to find a great rep but you feel like you are hitting hurdle after hurdle?
Nicole is ready to walk through your marketing materials to help you determine how to BEST present yourself to potential representatives in the industry.
As an agent who spent time at two prominent NYC agencies, Nicole KNOWS firsthard what reps look for before they consider signing new talent.
Work on-on-one with Nicole in an hour long session and you will explore:
*Materials/Packaging- pictures, resumes, reels, websites
*Goals- short term and long term and how to start aiming in the right direction
*Things YOU should be doing to move the needle- classes, finding work/auditions, networking
*Finding the RIGHT agent / manager fit
*Whether or not to join the union
*Making smart business decisions for yourself
“Nicole was immensely helpful during my pursuit for representation. She analyzed my package, gave me incredible advice, and most importantly helped me develop a productive and healthy mindset throughout the process of submitting to agencies. With her help, I eventually signed with FireStarter Entertainment for TV/Film and Theatre. I’d highly recommend her to anyone pursuing representation and want to feel confident in their approach!” - Thomas Riley
Email any pics, resume, reels, clips, and website link to colleen@actorsconnection.com 24 hours before the session. Also, please be ready with any questions and your list of professional contacts (agents, CDs, directors and other industry you already know). Make sure you have pen and paper to take notes during your session.
Please follow the procedures listed below:
Please update your headshot and fill out the MY INFO section of your AC account upon registration.
Instructions and the ZOOM link for access to this online event will be emailed to you in advance. If you have not received the link by one hour before the event, please reach out to registration@actorsconnection.com.
Additional Information:
Our online office hours are 9am-6pm Monday-Friday
If you have an emergency for a class you are participating in outside of these hours, please email help@actorsconnection.com and your host will be able to respond.
**No recording of any kind is permitted by participants during class.**
**Actors Connection classes and programming are for ADULTS (18+). Unless it is disclosed above, with permission, some teens (14+) are allowed to take adult programming. To inquire about getting permission, please send an email to: info@actorsconnection.com**
**Please keep in mind that all programs at Actors Connection are for educational and professional development purposes. Participating in any class or event is not a promise of employment.**
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Nicole Wichinsky
Nicole Wichinsky is an acting coach and consultant with 20 years of experience as a theatrical talent agent in New York City. She started her career with 15 years at DGRW before moving on to spend 5 years at Stewart Talent. During this time, Nicole placed some of New York’s finest actors in films, television, Broadway shows and in theatres across the country. She also has a Bachelor's degree in Film from the University of Miami, and a Master's degree in Educational Theatre from New York University.
Aside from her career as an agent, Nicole has taught classes in business for actors, actor packaging, improvisation, acting, and audition technique, as well as working with university conservatory students across the country.
The following disclaimer is provided specifically at the request of and in accordance with SAG/AFTRA: Seminars or classes are for educational purposes only and will not secure or provide opportunity for employment in the field or representation by an agent or casting director.