With ever increasing developments in on-line videos, news commentating, and cable stations, youngsters entering the field of entertainment have ever widening choices in pursuing a career path. At the Actors Connection, we offer classes in our teen acting program that cover all aspects of the entertainment business.
Lead by professionals with years of experience, our programs will delve into a variety of future opportunities for your child: live theater, film, television, commercials, print work, voice-overs, and on-air hosting and news anchor work. Your teen will have the chance to try his or her hand in every aspect to find the best fit for his talents and aspirations.
Opportunities for Teens Not Found in Any High School Drama Class
Very few public high schools or even private preparatory academies, in New York State or across the country, have the facilities or the faculty to offer the opportunities and experiences you’ll find in a teen acting class at a private school. Because we are located in the heart of NYC, our classes and venue are in the center of the action. We attract the attention of any number of professionals. Professionals who can provide the expertise and connections needed to clear the way to success for your teen. We specialize in polishing the rough edges off the raw talent your child was born with.
We Offer So Much More than Your Average Teen Acting Program
We’ll offer your teen a wide selection of acting classes within every aspect of the profession. We’ll teach them how to nail auditions and how to do voice overs. Perform for commercials and on the stage and screen. They’ll be working with professionals in the industry, from actors to casting agents and talent scouts.
Our teen acting program is renowned for working professional casting agents and directors. Your teen may even be in a stage production that has professional talent scouts in the audience. We provide an inside connection to the New York acting circuit.